
Ranking your website is an important step in the SEO process. It’s not enough to just have a good website: if you don’t know how well it ranks on search engines, you won’t be able to measure your success or make any changes that might improve things. That’s where a rank tracking tool comes in handy—it shows you where your site stands right now and makes it easy for you to analyze what factors are affecting its rankings.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free tool that allows you to track the traffic on your site. It’s easy to set up and use, but it can be a bit confusing at first.

Google Analytics gives you access to an overview of where visitors come from, where they go when they leave your website, and how long they stay on each page before leaving. You’ll also see what content is getting shared around social media sites like Facebook or Twitter (if any), which pages have been linked out from other websites (which means that people may click through from one page directly onto another), etc., so there’s no reason not to use this tool if you’re looking for something simple but powerful enough for rank tracking purposes!

Rank Tracker Pro

Rank Tracker Pro is a free, easy-to-use rank tracking software that has been in use since 2007. It has a lot of features and integrations with other platforms, including Google Analytics and Kissmetrics. It also offers mobile apps for both Android and iOS devices so you can track your website’s traffic on the go!

Rank Tracker Pro has a good support team who can help you implement new features as they come up during your campaign, or even answer any questions about how to use the tool when it comes right down to it.

Rank Checker

Rank Checker is a free tool that allows you to monitor your website’s ranking on Google, Bing and Yahoo. It offers a variety of features, including the ability to track your site’s rankings over time, track keyword rankings and compare your site against other sites in your industry.

The tool was created by an SEO company called Search Engine Optimization Software That Works (SESOW), which claims it can help businesses boost their visibility on search engines by providing them with valuable insights into how well they’re performing compared with competitors.


MozBar is a free tool that allows you to track your site’s performance in Google, Bing and Yahoo.

MozBar offers many features to help you track your website’s ranking on those search engines. It shows the number of visitors coming from each search engine, as well as the number of people who click on your links. You can also see how many times a keyword phrase has been searched for by different visitors from each search engine over time; this information is invaluable when using MozBar because it will help you identify which keywords are getting more traffic than others so that you can focus on improving them or adding new ones!

Ahrefs Site Explorer

Ahrefs Site Explorer is a great tool for tracking your site’s ranking. It has a lot of features, but it is easy to use and free. The paid version (which costs $99 per month or $299 per year) offers more advanced tools like keyword research, traffic analysis, and more.

There are several good rank tracking tools for SEO.

There are several good rank tracking tools for SEO.

  • Google Analytics is the most popular and widely used rank tracking software. It provides detailed information about all visitors, including their country of origin, browser type and operating system, referring page URLs and more. This makes it useful for tracking how your site’s content is being viewed by different types of users as well as how they interact with it on a specific page or section of your site (e.g., conversion rate). However, it does not provide information about where people are coming from — just what they click on when they arrive at your site. It also doesn’t work well with mobile devices; you should use another option instead if you want to see which pages visitors scroll past before clicking through to another part of your website


There are many tools out there to help you track your site’s performance, which is an essential part of SEO. You can choose between free or paid services depending on what works best for your budget, but all offer valuable insights into how well your site is performing and what it needs to do better.