
I’ve always been a fan of beauty blogs. They’re so fun to read, and they make me feel like I’m in touch with my inner self. If you’re interested in starting a blog about beauty products or tips, this guide will show you how!

Step One: Decide On Your Content

The first step in starting your blog is deciding on the type of content you want to produce. Do you want to write about beauty products? Or maybe fashion? Or maybe food and travel tips, or even just random things that happened while you were out running errands.

Your blog’s purpose will help determine what kind of content it will have and how often it needs to be updated or maintained by its owner. For example, if one goal is attracting more subscribers (which we’ll discuss later), then it may make sense for the owner of this site not only wants people who just read one article but also those interested in purchasing items from their website!

Step Two: Choose A Niche

When you’re starting a beauty blog, it’s important to pick a niche that is both profitable and popular. If you want to make money from your blog, then you need to choose something that people will pay for.

When choosing a niche, there are several different factors that come into play:

  • The amount of traffic brought in by each post (i.e., how much traffic does this particular post get?)
  • The number of page views per month (or year) compared with other similar niches on the same topic/brand name(s) as yours (for example: if I wrote about makeup brushes vs pencils vs lip balms vs whatever else – how many people would visit my site because they were specifically looking for information about those products? What percentage would come back again next month when they run out?)

The niche you choose may also be influenced by your own personal interests and hobbies. You should think about any hobbies or interests that you have outside of blogging, and then see if there is a way to incorporate them into your blog. For example, if you love fashion and makeup but don’t want to write about those topics specifically, then consider writing about something related like health or fitness (i.e., beauty products that help improve overall skin health).

If you’re interested in blogging but don’t know what niche to choose, here are a few general tips: Research your favorite brands/brands – What do they write about? What topics are covered on their blogs? How often do they update? Do they tend to focus on more personal posts or more educational/informational ones?

Look at your competitors – What do their blogs cover? How often do they update? Do they tend to focus on more personal posts or more educational/informational ones? Consider what you like to read, and try to emulate those styles.

Step Three: Decide On Your Site Name And Domain Name

Now that you’ve chosen the site name and domain name, it’s time to make sure they’re available.

  • Don’t use your own name as the domain. If you do, people may think that you’re trying to trick them into believing that it’s yours when really it isn’t (or at least not yet). It also makes it harder for search engines like Google or Bing to find your site because there are so many other websites with similar names already out there on the web.
  • Make sure the domain is available before buying one! It could take up to 24 hours for Godaddy or Namecheap servers to verify ownership of a new website before anyone can visit it—and even then they might not allow access until after 12 hours have passed since its creation date has passed through their system-wide firewall filters so no one else can see what appears on their screen while they are logged onto their computer/tablet etcetera…”

Step Four: Create A Blog Intro

Now it’s time to create your blog intro. The intro is the first thing that people see when they click on your site, so make sure it’s clear and concise. You can use any type of media for this section—you might even want to include an image or two if you have them available!

Your intro should introduce yourself (or whoever else might be helping out) and explain what readers will get out of reading more content from you: a tutorial, advice column or other educational material. Then tell them how often you’ll update the blog (and why), where they can find new posts and maybe even give a call-to-action button that encourages them not only come back but also share their experiences with others in order to help spread awareness about beauty products/services as well as encourage more people like yourself who are interested in learning more about this topic area overall.”

Step Five: Write A Summary Of Your Blog Post

Now that you have written a good blog post, it’s time to summarize it in one sentence. Make sure that your summary is relevant to the topic and has a clear takeaway for the reader. Your summary should be short and sweet—just like your original post!

Example: “You can easily make homemade beauty products with ingredients found at your local grocery store.”

The last step is writing up some social media posts about what inspired you during this process. These are great ways of getting more exposure on Instagram or Twitter while also sharing some valuable information with potential readers (and maybe even getting some likes!)

Step Six: Write Out The Entire Post Once More

Now that you’ve written out the entire post once more, it’s time to make sure that your flow is still good. Is there a good balance between paragraphs and headings? Do you have enough content? Are there too many images or not enough?

If you’re still unsure of where things are at after writing out the entire post again, then take a look at what other bloggers have done in similar situations before. Some bloggers will use bullets while others prefer italics or boldface text; however, the most common way seems like this:

You can start a beauty blog, and it doesn’t have to be hard.

Beauty blogging is a great way to connect with other people and make money, but it doesn’t have to be hard. In this article, I’ll show you how to start a beauty blog in just 30 days—and the only thing you need is your phone!

You can start a beauty blog by following these steps:

  • Find inspiration from other bloggers who are passionate about their work and share your same interests.
  • Decide what type of content you want on your blog (this will help determine whether or not there’s enough traffic).
  • Sign up for an account at (this is free), which will allow us both access through our email addresses (I’ll show how later).


Starting a beauty blog is not hard, but it does take time. You’ll need to think about what you want to put on your site before you start writing and organizing it all. Once that’s done, though, you can get started right away!